Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Getting Active

Last week American Heart Association kicked of START!Walking Day employees were to wear there sneakers to work and walk at least 30 minutes to support the fight against heart disease, the No. 1 killer in the U.S. There were lots of companies here in the Atlanta area that participated, but my company unfortunately did not get involved. I assume they are to busy trying to make the balance sheet look good to investors that they do not have time for such activities.

In the name of getting active Ladies of NOW hosted a "Get Out and Get Active Day", a day where male/female come out and partake in different activities. Tennis, Soccer, Running. The turn out was successful, I hung out with people I do not get to see on a regular. I also participated in the activities(have to keep some kind of shape:)) The Evite that was sent out specifically said come out and get active, we did have a BBQ but the main focus was to make sure you come ready to be physically active. But trust chicks... some of them came to the field with 3 inch heels, make-up, short skirts. They came ready to chill, I'm not hating but come on!?! The men came out ready. Whether to play football(soccer), tennis or just to run the track. Of course the men enjoyed seeing fine ladies but there is really a time and a place. Some Ladies came out with workout attire on but we put the nice ones on, combed our hair, maybe a little more than normal lip gloss but we were ready to sweat a little. Anyway bottom line, statistically women do outlive men, but in a lot of cases the women begin to look older than there significant others. We should try to keep ourselves up through heart healthy activities, if not for your health but for our outer beauty to be up to par.

The pics have not yet been uploaded, but check the website by Wednesday. Have a great Tuesday and remember Get Out and Get Active.

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