Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What to do?

This relationship is sooo confusing. The man is the type that is passionate about what they do for a living. Enjoys the occasional outing with his friends, so fun loving. Really just the guy you call on when you need something done. A great friend. So for a while him and her have been close. 3 years ago they tried to date. One evening after catching a movie they kissed. They realized the passion that had been brewing for each other. Of course they were dating other people, before the kiss. SO they decided they would try to date, but maybe not so exclusive. 3 months and it was just OK. They never passed the point of kissing on the intimacy side. Then he travels to his home country for Christmas. When he come back they just go back to friends. No conversation about what went wrong. She goes back to dating he does the same. They still hang out occasionally, talk about things that they use to. Friends as usual. 1 and a half years pass by. Then his birthday rolls around. She throws him a surprise birthday party. He is so shocked. Others are wondering why she would go out of her way to do something like this for just a friend. They decide to date again. November 2007 they make it official by being monogamous. At times she feels more like a friend than a lover. She voices her opinion but doesn't seem to break through to him. She cares so much for him. She is not sure if he is on the same level. She voices her opinion. She breaks up with him after every argument, but comes back and says she doesn't mean it. Confusion for no reason. She wants to feel like she is the most important part of his life. She wants to parade around with him on his arm at all outings. Especially in his community.
It finally hits the fan. They break up 2 days before she leaves to accept her new position out of state. He says they are having problems while she is in his local. How will they survive while she is gone.
Devastation!!!! That same evening they go to dinner. Kiss, watch a movie and cuddle on the couch. She is so confused. Should she have left out of town without hanging with him? They still talk everyday. Call each other baby.... Are they just better off as friends? They have always been low key in there relationship. Only 3-4 people know they are together another 5-6 speculate they are seeing each other. That was some of the problems she was having in the relationship. Does everyone need to know who you are dating for the relationship to be valid?

What do they do? Its not like they are friends with benefits. She loves him( has never told him). Wants to have a future with him. Well at least that is what she thinks now..

What should they do?

1 comment:

Pearls and PeepToes said...

talk. They need to put it ALL on the table and talk about it. She should express her feelings, try to get him to express his. And, a resolution must be reached. It MUST. The pattern of arguing, breaking up, getting back together is not healthy.