Monday, June 2, 2008

Sexy Shoes in th City

So of course I saw Se.x in the Ci.ty on Friday. I am one of the late comers to this series. I NEVER watched it while it was running on HBO. Then last year while in Nigeria for the Summer out of boredom I bought a bootleg copy( I have to confess because I know it was not the original being sold on Aba Rd in Port Harcourt) of the first couple of years of the series piled onto one DVD. I fell in love with the series. Not that I could really care about Samantha and all the many men, nor Carrie and the non committed BIG, but I like the fact that they were mostly independent living in the city with nice cloths and shoes. From that point I started looking for more episodes while being stuck in traffic in PH or Lagos. When I came back to the USA, I visited one of my friends and they have Se.x and the C.ity on Comcast Demand. I was very happy. Been on the series since then. So during the movie I paid attention to the story line but I also paid attention to the shoes. All my friends think I am Charlotte with a little of Miranda. Funny enough I like Charlotte's style a lot better than Carrie. More conservative, not to over the top and elegant. All through the movie I kept thinking "those shoes would look nice with that skirt". I don't plan to go shoe shopping very soon, you know due to the minor recession I am in. I need to hold on to all my dinero. You never know when a layoff may come from one of these corporate companies.

Anyway, a group of us saw the show. 9 loud Africans talking throughout the movie. We had fun. Wish we could do a girls night out at least once a month. Helps us stop thinking about our normal lives or at least gives us an outlet to vent about it. When I looked at us Friday I see how we all have grown. I mean 2-3 years ago we were always going out together. From Wednesday to Saturday we were on the scene. When we entered a party we were in a group and all attention on us the whole night. Not that we were seeking attention but our presence was so dominant. Then real life starts to happen. Grad school, marriage, children and plain just growing up hit us all. Now we have to plan in advance to meet, and most of the time we all cannot be there. I miss those times when we use to meet on Thursday evening. We would cook and watch Nigerian movies until 10pm or so then we would hit some spot to break a sweat while dancing. Ooooooh how I miss those days. I try to at least to hang out with one of my girlfriends at least once a week. I am one of the few of us who does not have to rush back home to take care of children. Hanging with my girls helps me to stop stressing about man wahala, work wahala, life wahala. I believe this is really what keeps us from aging and looking all stressed out. That being said I am going send a good morning to all my friends and associates. Hope you all have a wonderful day. And yes Carrie and BIG did get married:) I guess you can date a man for 10 years and he still marries you..........( not my portion)

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