Tuesday, June 17, 2008

How can we appreciate life more...

Sometimes we get so caught up with the day to day issues that we forget about all the good things that are going on in our life. We complain that gas is so high but we forget that we are fortunate to at least have a car to choose to drive or that we live in a society that gives you the freedom to drive.

I don't think that I complain much about the hustle of life, but I also think that I do not enjoy enough things/people around me. So busy with trying to succeed and do the "right thing" that I overlook all the good people/things around me. Last week I had an eye opener. I have and I hope those around me really begin to take it easy and enjoy life. There are just things in this world that we cannot control. We need to leave it to our higher beings to handle.
So I know I need to work on is showing emotion to people I care about. I am not sure why it is hard for me to say "I love you", "I miss you" or things along those lines... It amazes me. My sis is always telling me whenever we leave each other" See you later, and I love you" ( she also has a thing about saying "BYE") It is like force to say "I love you too". That is not good. My own sis..... So you can imagine what I go through with non family members. They get no emotion. I am quick to hug people I don't know that well when I greet them but my all my "personal persons" I barely move in during the greeting. NEED TO WORK ON THAT.
Need to stop putting off til tomorrow what I want to do today. If I wan to go out and enjoy friends then I should, not think "maybe later on in the month" the same goes for when I want some ME time.

Here are some other things we could ALL do to add happiness into our life:

  • Each night as you go to bed, list the 6 things you are most grateful for that day. If you’re having trouble counting to six, remember the little things such as having a roof over your head, food to eat, eyes to read this with and friends who care.
  • Read positive quotes and stories. A quote takes only seconds or a minute to read so even the busiest of people can fit this in.
  • Stop what you are dong and stretch your arms and legs. Feel the sensations of stretching and the pleasure of using muscles.
  • Go out of your way to thank someone for what they are doing. It doesn’t have to be something they do for you – maybe thanks the lollipop lady for helping children stay safe, a stacker for keeping supermarket shelves full or a recyclers for saving resources.
  • Smile. Yep, that’s all it takes – just smile occasionally even if no one is there to see it!
  • Have a cuddle. Find a child, lover, pet, teddy bear or friend and cuddle them often.
  • Wear things you like – perfume, after shave lotion, jewellery, favourite clothes. Wear them and enjoy wearing them rather than leaving them stored for rare ‘special occasions’.
  • Contact a friend or relative and chat about unimportant things – use email if you haven’t got time for a long phone call or visit( but we need to try to get away from this being the only form of communication).
  • Eat and drink slowly – it is less stressful on your body and mind and gives you time to actually taste it. Experience the textures on your tongue, too.
  • Take notice of nature. Watch a sunrise or sunset, literally smell a flower, listen to the rain on a roof, walk on some autumn leaves and breathe in some fresh air. Taking a few seconds to appreciate beauty and nature is a great way to forget your worries and bring a smile to your face.
  • Indulge in a hobby. If you can’t actually do it every day, read, talk or daydream about it instead.

1 comment:


These points are so basic, but you know, we forget them all the time? Thanks for the reminder. I can't believe this is my first time here. So I will simply offer you a belated "welcome to blogville".

See you around.